Did You Know?

February 11, 2021

Did you know?

For a generation of business leaders, we have been operating in and living through what we believed were uncertain times. Continual upheavals, disruptions and global shifts like digitization, technology transformation, changing geopolitics, evolving business models, and a changing consensus on globalization and trade have for decades challenged the very notion of executive decision-making.

The COVID-19 pandemic, however, is changing–or has already changed–our collective calculus of uncertainty because there is no reference case for the COVID-19 crisis in living memory. Unfortunately, in uncertain times, executives aren’t spared the responsibility of critical decision-making. If anything, the time frame for making choices shortens, even as the contextual uncertainty makes decision-making commensurately harder. 

And these are uncertain times! So, “Did You Know?”

Did you know that on January 21st of this year, the Biden administration signed an order directing OSHA to update COVID-19 guidance and consider emergency temporary standards? (ETS)

Did you know that on January 29th in response to that order, OSHA issued updated guidance to protect workers from COVID-19?

Did you know that the order requires that OSHA, if needed, makes those “guidance’s” a standard by March 15th 2021?

Did you know that in the state of California many of those guidance’s are already mandated? Things such as employee COVID-19 training, record keeping requirements, COVID-19 prevention plans and now COVID-19 vaccine policy?

And perhaps the most ominous of these “Did You Knows”

Did you know that the current administration has vowed to double the amount of OSHA investigators from the previous administration in order to “ramp up” enforcement of what will be new emergency standards? And citations and fines will result from a businesses inability to comply with those standards?

Yes, these are uncertain times and the COVID-19 landscape is continually changing and evolving because of this, with no clear end in sight. As previously stated, there is no immunity (pardon the pun) against the malady of unpreparedness. As business owners and executives, you have worked long and hard to create and build a business and a legacy of success.

We at DSA HR Solutions, Inc. understand that commitment, and in this uncertain time, make a commitment to you. A commitment to protect, partner, build and guide you through any upheavals, disruptions and yes…GLOBAL PANDEMICS!

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