By Debbie Amaro
So you’re a brand new manager. Congratulations! You worked very hard to get here, and now you’re at the mountaintop. Yes, it took a lot of time, effort and education to get here, but you have a lot more work ahead of you.
You must first understand why you are in that position and what is expected of you. You were not hired or promoted to increase your salary and buy a bigger house and a better car. You are there for a very specific job. You have a purpose, and, even if you don’t know it, your supervisors do … and they measure you against that expectation. If you are not aware of that fact you are in for a long, hard ride … or, worse, a very short tenure.
One key mistake new managers make is forgetting it’s no longer all about them. In the past, as both a new hire and an employee, you were judged solely on your own merits and experience. No longer. Your team will help determine your future. If you lead them well, and they respond well, you will do well. If you lead them poorly, or they respond poorly to how you lead, all of you will suffer.
Know your team’s strengths and weaknesses and lead accordingly. Learn how to communicate clearly and build a sense of camaraderie and you will be glad you did.
If you would like additional tips on being a new manager or just need a refresher, please join us for a complimentary webinar.
New Manager Survival Guide
July 12th
12pm – 1pm
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